Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Arthur and Mary's trip to Leicester

Wednesday 17th October see the opening of an exhibition at Bishop Street Methodist Church in Leicester. The exhibition will be varied and unusual because each piece has been made from a part of the old pipe organ. 

Earlier this year there was an open invitation for artists to deposit £10 in exchange for a pipe or circuit boar, which they could take away and keep or make something with. Work could but did not have to relate to the title of the exhibition Venite’. Although many of the pieces will no doubt be prophetic in nature or based around the makers spiritual belief this was not a requirement either. 

And so Arthur and Mary Crumphorn were born or should I say deceased? Chapter one in the 'Laid to Rest' project the piece reflects the vital role pipe organs played in the couple's tragically ordinary love story. 

The work comes with a memory-zine to take away and the full obituary as written by Angelica Frankle in her unpublished manuscript 'The Artful Obituary'. Later this month I will post up a little video flick through the book of memories and treasure's that Mary kept and a copy of the said obituary on the 'Laid to Rest' page. For now you will have to make do with a couple of little pictures and planning a trip to Bishop Street Methodist Church.  


Monday, 15 October 2018

All a flutter for Angels

New Angels are going up in the shop on a regular basis (well the ones that aren't sold before they can even get there of course).

AND I have velvet!!! So there will be a whole range of sumptuous little winged characters arriving for your delight towards the end of the month. 

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Just a few shots

(and not of the tequila kind).

Thought I would share a couple of pics of the Laid to Rest project as it is not live (if you pardon the pun).

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The Wincle Sisters looking most serene. #LTRartdolls #wip

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Friday, 5 October 2018

The day I ran away to join the (Marvelous Mechanical) circus

Well not quite a circus although there was plenty of circus type action too. No, I actually went to Compton Verney and to see the permanent British Folk Art exhibition and the Marvelous Mechanical Museum display.  (MMM)

In such a beautiful setting, it's a must for British Folk Art fanciers like myself. I even got to see a pieces by a few of my heros: Elizabeth Allen; George Smart and in the MMM display Paul Spooner and Sam Smith .

It was an enlightening day out partly because I had been so desperate to go for so long and partly because of what wasn't there are as much as what was. I can say I will be going again but I can't say it is the folk art mecca I had hope it might be. Perhaps that is a good thing.

Elizabeth Allen Population Explosion