Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Fabric Art Workshop 6th June Leicester

One of Britain’s most important collections of modern religious art is currently being exhibited in Leicester under the title of Wondering Soul. 

A joint project between the Church of England’s Leicester Cathedral and the Methodist Church, the Methodist Modern Art Collection will be on display across the city from now until 9th June. You can find more information about the exhibition at the Leicester Cathedral website here

I'm delighted to have been invited to run a workshop as part of the exciting programme events accompanying the exhibition. Taking place on 6th June from 10am to 2pm at St Andrews Church, Jarrom Street, Leicester, LE2 7DH tickets are £17 and can be booked directly from here.

Each attendee will be encouraged to use one of the art works in the exhibition, several of which will be displayed at St Andrews, as inspiration. Working with fabric, lace, ribbons, buttons and basic hand stitching techniques I will then help you create your own textile collage based upon that inspiration or your own interpretation of it. No previous sewing experience is needed and the aim is to have fun working with the materials whilst learning a little about creating fabric pictures. 

I can't wait!!!